Household Debts are at an all-time high!
Nationwide household debts are at an all-time high, and you can learn more here.
Higher debts mean more collections. Collections are starting to increase and many of you in this space are probably starting to feel it too.
Many states now have their own amount of allowed calls for debt collection and telemarketing and our flexible solutions allow for this advanced customization in your campaigns.
Customer Dynamics helps collection teams from small to large with increasing collection rates. Stay compliant with the best line-up for Reg. F (FDCPA), PCI/DSS, TCPA, and State-specific (mini-TCPA, mini-Reg. F) compliance requirements.
Click here to learn how we can help keep you compliant while also increasing productivity and resolve any of your existing pain points before it’s too late.
Schedule a call to get started!